Open Tender Process
Open tenders are intended to the public; This pass through a call for expression of interest against which any interested bidder can apply by submitting its Expression of Interest to Following a diligent pre-selection process, only selected bidders will be invited for a formal tender process.
Tenderers participating to the formal tender process are required to comply with KCSA’s Safety, Health, Environment and Sustainability specifications, which could be obtained on request.
To submit a tender you need to be ARSP compliant and registered as a vendor.
Only electronic copies of the Tenderer’s bid are acceptable and obliged to be sent ONLY to a specific email address communicated only to pre-selected bidders. NOTE: “For any technical related enquiries, please email a “ONCE OFF” question list to Kamoa Contracts Department, and Contracts Department will ask the relevant end user to answer accordingly.
Expression of Interest to be submitted to “ONLY”. Suppliers failing to send the Expression of Interest “ONLY” to will be automaticity disqualified.
Expression of Interest to be submitted before or, on the specified date and time, any Expression of Interest submitted after the specified date and time, will be automaticity disqualified.”
Expression of Interest documents emailed after the communicated closing date and time or sent to a different email address than the above provided will not be accepted and the tenderers will be disqualified.
If you do not have a response from Kamoa within a month from the Expression of Interest closing date, kindly consider your submission unsuccessful.