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Kamoa Copper SA Centre of Excellence

In October 2023, DRC President Felix Tshisekedi formally opened the Kamoa Copper SA Centre of Excellence (KCE) – a higher education facility built to create the future leaders of the DRC’s mining industry. Our ultimate objective is to develop a self-sustaining, globally recognised educational establishment that seamlessly integrates with the mining industry in the DRC, where today’s trainees become the trainers of tomorrow.

We are deeply committed to developing our employees who tirelessly contribute to the advancement of our company’s mission. We also acknowledge the importance of training and education for both our internal team and external stakeholders.
In September 2023, the first phase of the Kamoa Copper SA Centre of Excellence (KCE) opened its doors to its inaugural class of Congolese students. The higher education facility was constructed to educate, train, prepare and equip the next generation of leaders for a rewarding career in the DRC mining industry.
The curriculum, developed in partnership with the Enterprises University of Pretoria, offers students a comprehensive one-year program. It includes modules on English language, computational thinking, creative problem solving, basic financial literacy, workplace ethics, introduction to mining, project management, and entrepreneurship development.

The KCE will also be expanded to allow students to access various degrees, diplomas, and short courses, in collaboration with internationally accredited academic institutions. Furthermore, we are actively considering plans for the addition of new academic departments, as well as state-of-the-art sports and accommodation facilities.

We believe that Kamoa Copper SA Copper has had a significant and transformative impact on the immediate area, province, and country. Our commitment extends far beyond simply creating value within our host communities; we are unwavering in our dedication to foster sustainable prosperity for its people. As we continue our endeavour to mine with a greater purpose, we remain steadfast in our commitment to upskilling and developing the talented local workforce, thereby ensuring a brighter future for all.
