Kamoa Copper: Modern Mining Exemplified

The newly published independent Integrated Development Plan (2023 IDP) for the Kamoa Copper Mining Complex demonstrates the bright future and vast potential for the Democratic Republic of Congo and its people. The 2023 IDP outlines how Kamoa Copper, in partnership with local governments and communities, will become a world leader in the responsible supply of high-grade copper metal.

Copper is known as the king of “green metals”. Due to the global trend towards decarbonization, demand for copper will most likely increase in line with the shift towards clean energy and transportation technologies.

The move from a high carbon economy to a low carbon economy is effectively a shift to a “copper economy” because of the important role that this metal plays in clean energy technologies.

The Democratic Republic of Congo is uniquely positioned along the Central African Copperbelt, where substantial undeveloped gold, cobalt and high-grade copper deposits exist. Boasting some of the highest-grade copper reserves globally, the country will play a central role in the energy transition as a critical supplier of this “green metal”.

New Integrated Development Plan reveals long-life nature of Kamoa Copper Mining Complex

1st February 2023


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Facts About Kamoa Copper

Kamoa Copper’s current mine plan includes a phased development approach to develop the Kamoa Copper Mining Complex

Combined Phases 1 and 2 will mine a total 7.6 million tonnes of ore per annum, 6 million tonnes of which will come from the Kakula Mine and 1.6 million tonnes from the Kansoko Mine.

During Phase 1, 3.8 million tonnes of ore per annum will be mined from the Kakula Mine.

The Kamoa Copper Mining Complex’s envisioned 19 million tonnes per annum production scenario has an estimated life of mine in excess of 40 years and will position the company as the world’s second largest copper mining complex.

The average copper grade over the first 10 years of production will be 6.4%.

During Phase 1, 3.8 million tonnes of ore per annum will be mined from the Kakula Mine.

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News Release

Journée de l’enfant africain 2024 : “L’éducation pour tous les enfants en Afrique : Le temps est venu”

Le 20 juin 2024, au Kamoa Centre d’Excellence, Kamoa Copper SA a accueilli la commémoration annuelle de la Journée de l’enfant africain. En présence des ministres provinciaux de l’éducation et de la santé, 250 élèves des communautés d’accueil, des représentants de la CNDH, de la direction et des cadres de Kamoa Copper ont assisté à l’évènement.

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Communiqué de Presse

Kamoa Copper rencontre le public à la DRC Mining Week!                                                                                 

Kamoa Copper SA est ouverte à une communication directe et transparente, et la DRC Mining Week a été l’occasion parfaite de démontrer cet engagement. Elle a fait preuve d’audace en déplaçant son stand du chapiteau principal de la plénière à la zone d’accès libre afin que le public puisse interagir avec la Direction et les cadres.

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